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Your Internet Marketing and Advertising Campaign Won't Work Without SEO

A lot of website owners out there don't seem to realize just how important a role proper search engine optimization (SEO) plays within their internet marketing and advertising campaign. SEO can deliver so many benefits to your site, not least the huge numbers of visitors that can be gained from having a good ranking on a search engine results page. With that in mind I thought it was time that SEO started getting the recognition it deserved, so this article aims to give you some insights into why SEO is so important and why it needs to be incorporated, at least to some degree, into your internet marketing and advertising strategy.

First of all let me quickly describe what search engine optimization is for those people who may not know. Basically it is a technique that helps your webpage gain a favourable ranking in the search engine results page and is achieved through various methods such as using keywords within your content, using unique content and maximizing the number of inbound links your page receives. So why is SEO important to internet marketing and advertising? Well, when consumers use a search engine they don't want to trawl through page after page of results, so the higher a website ranks the more traffic it is likely to get - for instance a site that is at the top of the first page of results will get more hits than a site that is at the bottom of the 10th page of results, simply because many people will not bother looking past the first few pages of results.

However, this is not just internet users being lazy. Many people now realize that search engines classify websites and display the results of a search in descending order of relevance. Therefore many users simply write off any sites that are not on the first page of results. Your internet marketing and advertising campaign is aiming to get more people visiting your site, but if your site is not ranking well with the search engines then it is unlikely to fulfil its potential.

So how can you actually implement SEO into your internet marketing and advertising campaign to increase the exposure your site receives from search engines? Well there are a number of professional SEO companies who can analyse your site and help you improve any shortcomings, but you can also do much of the work yourself.

One major thing to do is list the keywords that are relevant to whatever product or service you are selling. You should then make sure that the written content found on your site includes these keywords. Typically an optimal density is between 1-5%, so if you had a piece of sales copy that was 500 words and you wanted to achieve a density of 2% for a certain keyword, you would have to ensure that the keyword appeared 10 times within the copy. Search engines reward sites that have optimal keyword densities with a higher rating in the results page, so you are likely to see an increase in traffic. However, having a clear idea of which keywords your website is targeting will also help you to tailor your internet marketing and advertising strategies to your specific market or niche.

This is just a small drop in the ocean as search engine optimization is a vast topic with many intricacies; however this article should have hopefully highlighted how important it is to ensure that your website achieves a good search engine ranking. There is a host of information available online about the various SEO topics that you can carry out and by implementing these techniques alongside your internet marketing and advertising you should see a strong increase in the traffic, and number of sales, generated by your site.


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